Press Releases

LaserShip Makes Significant Operational Investment to Improve the E-Commerce Delivery Experience

Blake Vaughn is appointed chief operating officer as part operations improvements, including the rollout of new Visual Proof of Delivery tool

To improve the e-commerce delivery experience, we are thrilled to introduce our chief operating officer, Blake Vaughn. Vaughn will oversee our final mile delivery operations, including sort hub operations, line hauls, delivery branches, loss prevention, real estate and quality assurance.

“Blake is an important addition to the LaserShip team. He understands firsthand the strategic importance of package delivery and the need for agility in distribution solutions,” says Blake Averill, Chief Executive Officer. “His operational and commercial acumen, particularly in the e-commerce space, are assets that will help us further shape and accelerate our last-mile services to best support our retailer shippers and their consumers.”

Vaughn joins LaserShip with many years of experience in the e-commerce industry. Prior to joining LaserShip, he was president and chief operating officer of Trade Global, an end-to-end commerce solutions provider for many of the world’s leading brands, where he worked with cosmetics and apparel brands such as Versace, Cole Haan, Calvin Klein and Shiseido. Vaughn also held leadership positions at Speed Commerce (formerly Fifth Gear) and Ingram Micro. Vaughn has a bachelor’s degree in logistics, materials and supply chain management from Georgia Southern University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Notre Dame.

“Working in the e-commerce space is never dull and always changing, which is one of the things that drew me to LaserShip,” says Vaughn. “LaserShip operates in a dynamic and fast-paced environment. My experience working in the e-commerce industry helps me view our business from both a supply chain operator and a direct-to-consumer retailer. I feel this is important when making decisions on where to invest in our business and how to continue to improve our service.”


Visual Proof of Delivery Tool

There are currently several operational enhancements underway at LaserShip. This year, LaserShip will complete the rollout of vPOD, a tool available on LaserShip’s proprietary mobile delivery application, eli, that allows us to confirm deliveries using GPS and image capturing. “As e-commerce continues to evolve, so does the consumer’s expectation of knowing the status of their deliveries as well as exactly where their packages are delivered. Our deployment of vPOD gives us visibility that we have never had before. Providing a picture of where customers’ packages are delivered increases successful deliveries and the overall positive experience,” says Tom Mara, Vice-President of Customer Experience. VPOD is currently being used as an internal tool to confirm deliveries; however, LaserShip is planning a phased rollout to make it available to consumers in the future.

Last month, LaserShip became a certified carrier with the International Supply Chain Protection Organization (ISCPO), a non-profit professional organization that promotes, educates and advocates supply chain security and protection. Carriers awarded ISCPO Carrier Certification demonstrate a commitment to security. We’re proud to have achieved full compliance with ISCPO’s Carrier Security Requirements, including a comprehensive due diligence process and analysis of security standards that ensure the integrity of goods flowing through a carrier and its clients’ supply chains.

“One of the things that attracted me to LaserShip is the way they leverage technology as a service differential,” says Vaughn. “Our latest advancement with Visual Proof of Delivery assures consumers their packages have been safely delivered. This new feature, along with our recent ISCPO security certification, are demonstrations of LaserShip’s commitment to our retail partners and consumers in maintaining high standards for security and delivery confidence. Technology will continue to be the game changer for LaserShip’s customers.”