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  1. Past hour
  2. Thanks Tony! You're a star!
  3. Unityone

    New Toyota owner

    Greetings Chris, Welcome to the club. Sounds like a good deal. Is it tax exempt? Got my sister in law one a few years ago and it's a brilliant car.
  4. suesabi

    Susan Saberton

    How do I get the satnav maps onto the Yaris display panel, via my phone.
  5. taxidriver50005

    Toyota 5yr warranty

    Has anybody got a copy of there 5yr warranty... Been looking online and all references have been replaced with the newer 3yr warranty
  6. the air filter is like new, no damages, only dust, insects and ****ties...so I think the poops come from the outside when I have used the warm cabin air
  7. Today
  8. Strangely Brown

    The Word Association Thread

  9. Dylanfan

    Alarm going off for no reason

    Have you tried switching off the internal alarm system?
  10. well done that man, you would think the main dealer could find a simple problem like that👹
  11. Dylanfan

    Daylight Running Lights

    Thanks guys, hadn’t noticed the difference until the other day. I ordered my car in August 2019 and it didn’t arrive until the end of November 19. In that time I hadn’t see one on the road and it took two years before they appeared regularly. Now there are loads about so I should really have noticed this difference sooner.
  12. BAILEYM27

    Retrofit Cruise Control - Yaris

    Hi here is the picture of the modules and vehicle code
  13. Yes, I much preferred the 10 minutes it was before as that was enough to clear the iced up windows without having the car run for too long. they changed the run time with an update a while ago. There’s no option to choose the time unfortunately. I’ve had to manually cancel it before the full 20 minutes had run as it wasn’t needed.
  14. Prius plus is gen 3 hybrid similar to Auris hybrid. You can buy a cat plate off eBay and security bolts from Peugeot . There are many posts about this. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224417697741?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=apGN8aAWRAS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=p34UK1z2T4m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  15. Eddie G

    New Toyota owner

    Welcome to TOC, Chris.
  16. Xanadu_999

    2004 rav 4 door check straps

    XA20 is model year 05/2000 - 08/2003. RAV4 - XA20 Front Door Panel & Glass 68610-42040
  17. Yesterday
  18. What's the best way to protect the 'cat' on a Prius+? I think it's 4th gen (2016)
  19. 1.33

    Unknown switch function.

    If this is a pin switch, leaving it all the way out would activate whatever is connected. Pin switches are normally spring loaded to stay in the on position. When the switch is pushed in, it disconnects the power supply.
  20. That would seem to be so, since I can't find any setting to change it and no-one has come up with a solution (but I haven't explored the hidden menu yet...). As to why... I do use DRCC sometimes but generally prefer standard CC on this car. Partly, it's about how I use it, e.g. I use it on a couple of local roads subject to 30/40 limits and find that the DRCC reacts to parked cars (hits the brakes). I didn't think that it would/should react to stationary vehicles but sometimes it does. Now, I know that this may not be an intended use for CC, generally, but the roads in question are subject to frequent speed enforcement and it just suits me to set CC. Partly, it's because I don't find the DRCC to be particularly smooth, either in braking or acceleration, on faster roads (which is, I would say, its intended use); and I have changed acceleration to its lowest setting in the DRCC menu. It works, sure, but I don't find it to be a particularly pleasant experience and, frankly, I can do a lot better myself. I can also see a lot further ahead, can anticipate, etc., which it cannot do. So I tend to only set CC when there is minimal traffic, in circumstances where standard CC is fine, and drive 'manually' in other circumstances. Just personal preference.
  21. bathtub tom

    Minor Scratches

    Wax won't remove scratches, It'll just fill them with wax! Polish is an abrasive, wax is a coating. If you can feel the scratch with a fingernail,it won't polish out. There's all sorts of grades of cutting compound, some can be quite harsh!
  22. Caveman2212

    Losing power multiple times per journey

    Just to add, the car runs OK around town and the like, just seems to have the issue when I'm on the motorway. I will remove the SCV on Friday and operate it using a variable dc voltage and clean it with some carbon cleaner. See if anything comes out of it.
  23. Caveman2212

    Losing power multiple times per journey

    I used a terminal driver to gently push it back.
  24. Caveman2212

    Losing power multiple times per journey

    Yes sorry, it's a diesel. Not sure if it's been changed recently. I've not done it. Will have a look at it and get a new one to rule it out.
  25. tonyfox1956

    2004 rav 4 door check straps

    Hello, newbe here. Trying to find drivers door check straps but unable to find the part number that everyone advertises with? 2004 mk2 XA20 is all I know VU04JWA. Does anyone know where to find the part/number? Are they interchangeable left and right, front or rear ? Toyota wanted £157 far out of my reach thanks.
  26. Nick72

    JBL Sound System

    Thank F.
  27. Nick72

    Urgent - possible safety issue with 2024 Rav PHEV

    I just hope this kind of stupid stuff is sorted before I get my replacement R4P in September 🤣. Hopefully you've made a preemptive difference to my miserable life. 👍🙏
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