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If you were to consider buying a Hybrid model over 5 years old, would you be worried about the reliability of the Hybrid system?    
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2019 Rav4 Dashcam fitting
I had the new Nextbase 422 Dashcam fitted by my dealer about a week after getting my new RAV4. I got the optional rear facing camera with it, so it works much like the Nextbase Duo.

Dealer fitted the camera to the passenger side, apparently because of lack of space anywhere else and having to keep to the rules about the Dashcam not sitting more than 40mm into the windscreen wiper area.

I now have two problems, one it sits above the windscreen wiper area (passenger side doesn’t clear the whole windscreen) so rain hides the road and if the passenger puts their visor down it blocks the rear facing camera.

Anyone got any pictures of how their Dashcam is installed they could share with me?
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Procedure When Stationary
Correct procedure when stationary - When coming to a stop ie traffic lights, what is the correct Toyota approved of remaining stationary? I used to press "P", but recently read if someone smashes into the back of me and sends the car forward it will damage transmission. So I now started putting the foot brake on whilst still in "D", is this doing any harm?  Is there a Toyota approved way???

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My "Mrs" tells me that while driving she saw a warning message briefly flash up that said something to the effect of.."Front sensors are temporarily unavailable" and she thinks she saw a car symbol flash up. There was the posibility that there was some mist around.

Any idea what this message refers to ? The car is the base "Active" model.
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