Time – 45 Minutes
Tools - 12mm Sockets, PZ2 Pozidrive Screwdriver, Flat blade Screwdriver, Pliers, Trim removal tool or thin blade (scraper, etc) wrapped with tape to protect, Protective blanket (to rest bumper on)
Frequency – As required.
To access a number of components, it is necessary to remove the bumper. This is a description of how that can be done on a RAV 4.2 2003-2006 Model (Round Fog light version).
The RAV4.2 2000-2003 Model (Square Fog lights) looks to be identical but I cannot guarantee that.
This diagram shows the various components of the front assembly – the items that must be removed are numbered 1,2 & 3
1. The Grill must be removed first.
The screws circled in Red hold the grill in place and are removed with the PZ2 driver. The grill is also secured by three clips that are accessible – just – by moving the top of the grill forward. These are plastic clips are separated by a sharp pull forwards if you are feeling brave or the clips can be persuaded to come out by careful pressure of the securing lugs to release. NOTE: be VERY careful how any tools are used when working near the rad – the fins of the rad are easily damaged by knife blades, screwdriver tips, etc. so make sure no tools slip and hit it.
2. Once the Grill is removed, the "Front End Panel" must be removed. This is taken off by removing the two screws circled in Green in the picture in 1. above; the four plastic clips visible once the grill is off (position is shown circled in green below);
And then another bit of bravery is required…The End Panel is kept in place at each end by two plastic fittings – the holes for these fittings are circled in red above. These just pull off, but require firm persuasion to come out. Again take great care with any tools as you are separating painted metal parts and do not want any tools to slip, so this is where a trim removal tool could help.
3. Once the end panel is removed, the Front Bumper itself can be removed. This is done by removing the 7 hex screws (using a mix of spanner and screwdriver) in the positions circled below in green. The 2 areas circled in red keep the bumper in position via a simple tongue and groove style clip and no tools are needed there.
Before the screws are removed, it is best to position the blanket or cloth underneath for the bumper to rest on to avoid any scratches.
4. There is not a lot of free play on the cabling to the foglights, so it is best to unplug those as the bumper is freed so they are not strained supporting the bumper in mid air.
When the car is in this disassembled mode, work such as replacing horns, washer bottle, fitting nudge bars, etc can be carried out.
Reassembly is in the exact reverse order, taking care to ensure the bumper is aligned correctly on the clips that are shown within the red circles and the screws that go into the front wing areas before fully tightening the screws underneath.