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Clutch Pedal squeaking noise

Hi this is related to the car clutch squeaking noise. It can be from outside or inside the car. Try this at your own risk. The solution is posted in good faith and I take no responsibilty of any kind.

Symptoms : squeak sound from inside boot or inside car from clutch pedal areas.

Assumptionv : Car clutch is working fine

Quick solution :

In the boot spray the WD40 in the rubber boot area where the slave cylinder is located while other person keep pressing the clutch minimum 20 times.

Leave it for 5 minutes.

or come inside the car

On the clutch pedal

lube the spring + pivot rod which pushes inside + the connecting rod.

keep pushing it by hand everytime you lube

look for any damage parts if any it has to be replaced.

Now come to the boot

spray the same area using white liuthum grease and press clutch for minimum 20 times.




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