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T180 water pump change

This is the method I used to renew the water pump on my 2008 T180

Hello everybody, I'm new here, my name is Stephen.  I thought I'd share my experience of fitting a new water pump to my 2008 T180.
I removed all the plastic shrouds from the top of the engine.  Then I got under the car and removed the plastic sump guard and the wheel arch liner.  This allows you access to the bottom two bolts on the water pump, all of which have 12mm heads but they are not all the same length.

As it is necessary to remove the top engine mounting, the engine needs to be supported from below.  I did this by using two old scissor jacks and pieces of wood.  I put one jack on the bottom pulley and one under the sump with a piece of wood to spread the load.

Remove the front engine mounting, you'll need 14, 17 + 19mm spanners and sockets.

You'll need to remove the serpentine belt.  To do this you need to turn the tensioner in an anti-clockwise direction using a 22mm spanner.  It's quite a strong spring and you need to hold against it until you can slip the belt off.

Remove the power steering pump.  There are two bolts which are accessible by turning the pulley.  There's no need to disconnect the pipes, just pull it up and rest it on the top of the engine.

Now you will have access to the pump.  There are seven bolts all 12mm.  The top five bolts you can get from the top but the bottom two are are easier to get from the bottom.

The new pump came with a rubber seal.  As the was no sealant on the old pump, I didn't put any on the new one.

I paid £35 for a new pump from a motor factor.  There was one on Amazon for £7 and, one for £11.  But I opted for a factor incase there was going to be a problem with it.

Reverse the removal procedure, fill up with new anti-freeze etc, and the job's a good 'un.

If I think of anything else, I will add it later.

I hope some of you can find some of this helpful.


Obviously, don't go under an unsupported vehicle, take all safety precautions etc.








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