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Reprogramming keys

Various methods:

"Programming New Keys"


1. Begin by sitting in the driver seat with all the doors shut.

2. Insert your working master (black) key in the ignition.

3. Very Quickly, turn the key from "LOCK" to "ON" 5 times. (You will end with the key in the "LOCK" position) [the 5 on-offs just need to be < 1 second each (you can hear something switching in the engine bay after 1 second switched to on - you've probably just got to beat that).]

4. Immediately, open and close the driver door 6 times very quickly. (End with the door closed)

5. Immediately, remove your working Master Key and insert your new Master Key

6. Turn the key to the "ON" position and leave it there while you wait for 1 minute.

7. After the minute, if you want to program another key, just remove the first one and insert the next one, turning it to "ON" and leaving it in position for 1 minute.

8. When you are through programming keys, just take the last one out, open and then close the driver door to lock in the programming, and your done.

Programming Sub Keys (Grey) is done the same way except you turn the master key 4 times before you open and close the door 5 times. Then insert the sub key, turn to the "ON" position, and wait your minute. Finish by removing the key and opening and closing the door 1 time as before.

Linking your Key to car locks:

Better to start with confirmation mode first to know that how many keys are already programmed to it.

Here's the info (I have only tried and tested the "ADD" function) :

There are four different programming commands when setting up or verifying your remote transmitter, they are:

A. Add mode, used to add a remote to your Prius that is not currently registered.

B. Rewrite mode, used to erase all previously registered remotes and allow you to begin again the programming process.

C. Confirmation mode, used to verify the number of remotes that are already programmed in your Prius.

D. Prohibit mode, to prohibit all remotes from operating the door locks.

All four modes start with these instructions:

1) Make sure that the key is not in the ignition, the doors are unlocked, and the driver's door is open.

2) Very quickly, without turning, insert and remove key from the ignition twice. (leave key out)

3) Close and open the driver door twice. (leave door in open position)

4) Again, insert key into the ignition and remove it. This time only once. (leave key out)

5) Close and open the driver door twice, then close the door.

6) Insert key into the ignition and leave it in the LOCK position.

A. Add mode:

A1) Turn the key to "ON" for 1 second, then turn back to "LOCK".

A2) Remove the key.

A3) Youll hear the doors "LOCK" and 1 second later "UNLOCK" (just listen)

A4) On your remote, press the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously for 1 to 1½ seconds, then let go.

A5) On your remote, IMMEDIATELY press unlock by itself.

A6) Youll get one of three responses:

R1) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", then "UNLOCK" once. The remote is accepted. If you want to program another remote, immediately proceed to step A4 with your second remote, otherwise open the drivers door and the remote is registered.

R2) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", then "UNLOCK" twice. Either you didnt use the same remote in steps A4 and A5(not likely), or this remote was already registered.

The timing was off when you pressed the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons simultaneously and then UNLOCK by itself. Immediately press the two buttons together and the unlock by itself again. Keep trying until you get the locks to signal once that you have been successful. Then if you have another remote to program, quickly press its' buttons as before, until you hear the locks signal once. When you are finished, open and close the driver door to lock in the programming.

R3) If no response, go back to step 1 near the beginning of these instructions.

B. Rewrite mode:

B1) Turn the key to "ON" for 1 second, turn back to "LOCK" for 1 second, then back to "ON" for 1 second, and finally back to "LOCK" for 1 second

B2) Remove the key.

B3) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", 1 second later "UNLOCK", 1 sec., "LOCK", 1 sec. "UNLOCK". (just listen)

B4) On your remote, press the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously for 1 to 1½ seconds, then let go.

B5) On your remote, IMMEDIATELY press unlock by itself.

B6) Youll get one of three responses:

R1) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", then "UNLOCK" once. The remote is accepted. If you want to program another remote, immediately proceed to step B4, otherwise open the drivers door and the remote is registered.

R2) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", then "UNLOCK" twice. You didnt use the same remote in steps B4 and B5(not likely).

R3) If no response, go back to step 1 near the beginning of these instructions.

C. Confirmation mode:

C1) Turn the key in 1 to "ON" and back to "LOCK" in one second intervals for a total of 3 times.

C2) Remove the key.

C3) Youll hear the doors "LOCK" and "UNLOCK" in 2 second intervals. (just listen and count each set)

1 Set = You have 1 remote registered

2 Sets = You have 2 remotes registered

3 Sets = You have 3 remotes registered

4 Sets = You have 4 remotes registered

5 Sets = You do NOT have any remotes registered

D. Prohibit mode:

D1) Turn the key to "ON" and back to "LOCK" in one second intervals a total of 5 times.

D2) Remove the key.

D3) Youll hear the doors "LOCK", 1 second later "UNLOCK" 5 times. (just listen and count each set)

D4) This will erase all previously registered remotes and cancel the wireless door lock function.

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