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Jae - Important Note...


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After continuos posts over the last few months about JAE and who would like to attend we now find ourselves in the situation of not being able to fill our allocated space which is very dissapointing.

Unless by Monday morning we get an increase in interest in displaying your cars on the stand we will be contacting other Toyota Clubs to share stand space and park in our area. This is not a very ideal situation as I am sure we have like to fill our space with some of or 3000+ Members.

If you are coming and have not put your name on the list could you please do so ASAP....

The Stand list can be found HERE.

Finally could we add that it doesn't matter what you drive, the condition of your car and how often you post, your still a member of TOC and as are more than welcome on the club stand, a few comments have been made about the conditions of there car, it's not about cars, its about the members (well you know what I mean)....

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Looks like you have 20 cars on the Saturday - how many does the stand take Ryan?

Come on all, from over 4000 members lets get at least 1% to the show. 2% would be better.

I know y'all got some SMOKING cars so lets see 'em......

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TOC pitch is 40 - 60 cars and the LOC is about 100!

biggest pitches

However.. I have donated to the cost of the pitch.. so pitching is free to all members.. just entry fee aint.

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